Tuesday 22 November 2016

Sony's bracelet to help users recall names of people

A recent patent application by Sony reveals a bracelet that recognizes voices to help users remember names of people they meet. Now this bracelet can save you from awkwardness of skipping names of people you meet less often. The patent mentions recording a voice which it recognizes later and help you remember his/her name.

Most of the people easily remember a face, but it’s hard to remember a person’s name due to our hearing memory is less than our visual memory. After all we all are human not robot. We came across so many people, especially in workplace. So to remember all name is a daunting task. Sometime we find it tough to recall the name of a person but can identify the face easily. Which results into an embarrassing moment for all of us most of the time.  All these silly mistakes can’t be avoided in professional work. Sometime it cost you a lot.

So now you don’t need to worry about remembering the names of people. You can easily recall it with the help of this bracelet made by Sony.

How it works
1.       The bracelet starts recording when it detects a handshake- like movement.
2.        It can detect when a person says his name while in a conversation & stores the sound profile with the associated name on the user’s smartphone. It saves the profile by writing his name as profile’s title.
3.       Next time when you again meet the same person and skips his name, the bracelet comes to your rescue.

4.       As that person speaks, On hearing a previously stored voice, the name of the person is displayed on the smartphone screen. And just in case, you are wearing a Bluetooth headset, you would hear his name.

Other than the bracelet, the patent mentions that same technology could be employed in Sony’s smart watches or in its earpieces.

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