Thursday 19 January 2017

World’s first exascale supercomputer prototype built by China

Scientists in China are developing the world’s first computer capable of performing 1 quintillion calculations per second, according to state media.

A prototype of the exascale computer, described as a “super supercomputer,” is expected to be ready before 2020, and will be 200-times more powerful than the country’s first petaflop computer Tianhe-1, recognized as the World’s fastest in 2010,” said Zhang Ting, an application engineer with the Tainjin-based National Supercomputer Center, Xinhua news agency reported.

The Asian giant built the world's fastest supercomputer, the Sunway TaihuLight machine, in June last year, which was twice as fast as the previous number one & It used only locally made microchips, making it the first time a country has taken the top spot without using US technology.
Right now, the fastest supercomputers in the world can make quadrillions — or thousands of trillions — calculations each second.

In June last year, China overtook the United States for the first time as the country with the most supercomputers on a list ranking the 500 most powerful computers in the world. Of the top 10 fastest computers, two are in China and five in the US as of November, the ranking said. Others are in Japan and Switzerland.

Advance features
1.      The latest machine will lead the world in data transmission efficiency, its creators claimed, as well as have significant applications within the fields of Big Data and cloud computing.
2.      Using the standard system of metric measurement, a quadrillion is referred to using the prefix “peta.” So, the speed of these computers is calculated in petaflops, and computers operating at this level are referred to as petascale machines.
3.      Following this system of prefixes, the next step up from “peta” is “exa” — meaning a quintillion or a billion billion. A computer that can compute this number of calculations each second is measured in exaflops and is said to be an exascale machine.

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